Air Conditioner

Determining Air Conditioning Age & Capacity
As a rule-of-thumb, capacity information is encoded by air conditioning manufactures in the model number and date of manufacture info in the serial number.
There are 12,000 Btus per ton of cooling, and air conditioners are sized by every ½ ton. Manufacturers often encode the approximate rating in Btus somewhere in the model number. Therefore it is often simple to scan the model number for a two-digit number that is divisible by 6 and to divide it by 12 to determine the capacity rating in tons. This number can be elusive, as it is not always exactly divisible by 6. Some manufacturer’s systems make this easier than others. To complicate matters, some manufacturers have changed their systems of encoding data over time.
Age: Use B-L-A-C-K H-O-R-S-E code
B = 71 or 81
L = 72 or 82
A = 73 or 83
C = 74 or 84
K = 75 or 85
H = 76 or 86
O = 77 or 87
R = 78 or 88
S = 69, 79 or 89
E = 70, 80 or 90
Capacity: Look for those elusive two digits in the model number usually (but not always) divisible by 6 and divide by 12 to convert to tons.
Example: 56BAB0042000A0
42 = size on thousands of BTU
42,000 Btu = 3½ ton
From 1964 through 1979 Bryant encoded age information in the serial number with the first two digits indicating week of manufacture and the letter following those first two numbers indicating the year beginning R = 1964:
R = 1964
S = 1965
T = 1966
U = 1967
V = 1968
W = 1969
X = 1970
Y = 1971
A = 1972
B = 1973
C = 1974
D = 1975
E = 1976
F = 1977
G = 1978
H = 1979
In subsequent years Bryant simplified its system where, the first two digits of serial number = Week of manufacture.
Third & fourth digits = Year of manufacture.
Example: 3188XXXXXX = 31st week of 1988.
Carrier has used several different codes at different plants. Information below refers to commonly used codes.
Capacity: Commonly found in the last three to five digits of model number, sometimes in 100s of Btus – sometimes in tons
001 = 1.5 ton, 002 = 2 ton, 003 = 2.5 ton, 004 = 3 ton, 004-5 = 3.5 ton,
005 = 4 ton, 006 = 5 ton
18xx = 1.5 ton, 24xx = 2 ton, 30xx = 2.5 ton, 36xx = 3 ton, 42xx = 3.5 ton,
48xx = 4 ton, 60xx = 5 ton
14xx = 1 ton, 18xx = 1.5 ton, 024 = 2 ton, 030 = 2.5 ton, 036 = 3 ton,
042 = 3.5 ton, 048 = 4 ton, 060 = 5 ton
Age: Through the 1960s Carrier used the first digit of the serial number to indicate the year of manufacture. Example: 3xxxxx = 1963, 4xxxxx = 1964, 5xxxxx = 1965, etc.
Beginning in 1970 Carrier began to use a letter followed by a single digit year.
Example: A1 = January 1971, B2 = February 1972,
M5 = December 1975
Note: No letter I
F= Jun
G= Jul
More recently Carrier has simplified things using the first four digits of the serial number to signify the age, where the first two digits indicate the week and the third and fourth digits indicate the year of manufacture (similar to Bryant).
Example: 3298xxxxxx = 32nd week of 1998
Chrysler Air Temp
Capacity: Rating in tons found in the fourth and fifth digits of the model number
0 = 1 –1.5 ton
2 = 2 ton
3 = 2.5 ton
4 = 3 ton
5 = 4 ton
6 = 5 ton
Example: xx06xxxx = 5 ton
Capacity: Look for those elusive two digits in the model number (usually, but not always) divisible by 6 and divide by 12 to convert to tons. It is often in the last three to five digits, but is sometimes closer to the middle.
Capacity: Look for those elusive two digits in the model number (usually, but not always) divisible by 6 and divide by 12 to convert to tons. It is often in the last three to five digits, but is sometimes closer to the middle.
Coleman has used several different codes at different plants. Information below refers to some commonly used codes.
Capacity: Commonly found in the third and fourth digits of the model number – sometimes in 100s of Btus and sometimes as tons.
Example: xx30 = 2.5 ton, xx48 = 4 ton
xx02 = 2 ton, xx05 = 5 ton
Day-Night – Later manufactured as “BDP” (Bryant, Day-Night, Payne)
Capacity: Look for those elusive two digits in the model number (usually, but not always) divisible by 6 and divide by 12 to convert to tons. It is often in the last three to five digits, but is sometimes closer to the middle.
Age: First two letters of the serial number indicate age, where the first letter is the month and the second letter the year of manufacture beginning with 1970
Capacity: Last two digits of the model number indicate 1000s of Btus
Example: CF30 = 2.5 ton
Age (through 1977): Last two letters of serial number indicate month & year beginning with September 1966
Note: I not used
A= 1966
Example: xxxxAA = September 1966, xxxxBC = October 1968
General Electric
Capacity: Last three digits of model number indicate approximate rating in 1000s of Btus
Example: 21TC030A = 2.5 ton
Age: Last three digits of serial number indicate date of manufacture, where the first digit indicates the year and the second and third indicate the week
Example: xxxxxx241 = 41st week of 1982
Capacity: Lennox has its own code found between hyphens in the model number
211=1.5 ton
261=2 ton
311=2.5 ton
411=3 ton
461=3.5 ton
511=4 ton
651=4.5 ton
Example: CHP16H-261-1P = 2 ton
Age: Prior to 1974 the first three digits of the serial number indicate the date of manufacture where the first two digits indicate the year and the third is the month.
Example: 732xxxx = February 1973
Beginning in 1974 the third and fourth digits indicate the year followed by a letter indicating the month.
Note: I not used
Rheem or Ruud
Capacity: Look for those elusive two digits in the model number (usually, but not always) divisible by 6 and divide by 12 to convert to tons.
Example: RPGC-037JA = 3 ton
Age: Four digits of serial number indicate date of manufacture where first two indicate the week and the third and fourth are the year. In the 1960s and early ‘70s this was the last four digits. More recently date of manufacture information is found closer to the middle of the serial number.
Example: xxxx1872 = 18th week of 1972
Capacity: Look for those elusive two digits in the model number (usually, but not always) divisible by 6 and divide by 12 to convert to tons.
Example: CM36-11B,T = 3 ton
Capacity: Trane has used a number of different methods for encoding capacity information in the model number. It is commonly found in the first three digits – sometimes and Btus, sometimes as tons.
Example: SPCC-B504-A = 5.0 ton,
TWS748A = 48,000 Btu = 4 ton
Age: Through the seventies date of manufacture information is found as a number and a letter in the serial number where the number is the single digit year and the letter indicates the month.
Example: 1C-xxxx = March 1971
In the early ‘80s Trane began to stamp the date of manufacture in the lower right hand corner of the data plate.
Capacity: Look for those elusive two digits (often the first two digits) in the model number (sometimes, but not always) divisible by 6. Divide by 12 to convert to tons.
Age: Date of manufacture information is encoded in the serial number where a letter indicates the decade and the third and fourth digits indicate the week
Example: H43571485 = 35th week of 1984