This course has been approved by the Maryland Licensing Commission, and the Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation, and exceeds the requirements of the Maryland state licensing law. It is being offered in Arlington, Virginia on ten Saturdays or weekdays, several times each year. Each day includes eight hours of technical training.
Our How to Become a Home Inspector course will take you through the entire process of inspecting a home, delivering an inspection report, and how to compose yourself as an industry professional. Nationally recognized expert home inspector, Hollis Brown, will be your guide to getting your career off to a solid start.
Course Description: 72 Hour Core Curriculum
Classroom Location: 5115 Little Falls Road, Arlington, Virginia
Course Fee: $1,995 USD
Final Exam Fee: $150 USD
Tuition Financing: $395 Down payment due at Registration at least 7 days prior to the first day of class. Weekly payments of $200 until your balance is paid.
Textbook Requirements: The Home Reference Book, by Carson Dunlop
Prerequisites: High school diploma or equivalency
Questions: 703-468-1400
Class Schedule: Classes are held from 9am - 5pm.
- Day 1: Introduction & Overview, Structural Systems
- Day 2: Structural (continued), Heating Systems
- Day 3: Heating (continued), Cooling Systems
- Day 4: Cooling (continued) Plumbing Systems, Bathrooms
- Day 5: Electrical Systems, Interiors
- Day 6: Kitchens, Fireplaces & Solid-fuel Burning Appliances, Crawlspaces & Attics, Insulation & Ventilation, Exteriors
- Day 7: Exterior (continued), Roofing
- Day 8: Roofing (continued), Code of Ethics
- Day 9: Standard of Practice, Report Writing
Final Exam: By Appointment
Absentee Policy: Missed classes can be made up in a subsequent class session.
Course Highlights
The HITA intensive entry-level course deliver the training you need to be successful. You will have the opportunity to learn the technical aspects of the home inspection process in the controlled condition of the classroom and how to apply them in the field. You’ll learn much more than just the technical and practical aspects of the home inspection process though. You’ll learn how to set-up your business and market your services. You’ll learn about environmental hazards. You’ll learn how to protect yourself from claims and much, much more. The majority of the classroom instruction is provided by long-time ASHI member, Hollis Brown. In just nine short days, Mr. Brown will equip you with the information you need to be a successful home inspector. Not only will you learn the investigative and technical skills necessary to do a thorough inspection, you will also learn how to write reports that give your customers the information they need to make an informed decision. This intensive course includes many special features not included in other home inspection training courses. The Home Inspector Training Academy is an experience—and a little bit of fun.
History of HITA
The Home Inspector Training Academy (HITA) had its genesis as an in-house training program for a Bethesda, Maryland based inspection company. HomeTech Systems, Inc. was one of the two original Washington, DC area Home Inspection companies co-founded by Walt Stoepplewerth and Henry Reynolds in the 1970s. T. Wade Elrod, a retired U.S. Army Colonel and HomeTech inspector, wrote the original curriculum and soon realized the need for training at the national level. HITA first opened its doors to the public on November 30, 1992. Wade and Chip Castell, an accomplished inspector in his own right, took the show on the road, and through the '90s, trained thousands of inspectors nationwide. Hollis Brown joined the faculty in 1999 and moved into the head instructor's position upon Wade's untimely passing in the Spring of 2001. HITA opened its Bethesda training facility in the winter of 2003. The Arlington, Virginia campus opened in the spring of 2006. Graduates of the Home Inspector Training Academy can be found in board rooms and at home inspections throughout North America.